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What is Meaningful Supervision?

Finding a supervisor with the RIGHT FIT is like finding your favorite author, a comfortable pair of shoes, an ink pen that inspires you, or a Netflix series you can watch repeatedly because it “gets you.”

These supervisors are out there, but the sea of credentials and framed accolades can make it difficult to know who’s who. 

Value Your Future

As a newly graduated professional, you are likely just searching for a supervisor you can afford. Meanwhile, while a voice in your subconscious shouts “This is a really big deal… I want someone that hears ME.” We know because we have been there, and guess what? The voice is right. An effective supervisor will have a tremendous impact on your career trajectory and set you up for success. He or she should listen to, understand, and empower your gut clinical senses. 

Follow the instinct that you should be looking for a quality supervisor, and you will see the return on that investment play out for the rest of your career.

What We Offer

Instilling Confidence In Your Strengths

Our supervision starts with these basics and builds from there to launch you into the field as a confident, competent, and empathetic professional. For you, it’s a necessary investment – but it’s far more than a box to check off your list.


We draw out the attributes of your character that serve your current and future clients best, and instills confidence in your strengths. It all really comes down to that. 

Meet Josh 

Our LPC Supervision is Board Approved

Board Approved

Joshua Zello is a State Approved Supervisor with years of experience in the feild. 

Easy Online or In Person Formats

Online or In Person

Web-based supervision is perfect if you cand find a time to make it to the office. 

We Offer Triadic Sessions

Dyadic/Triadic Format

This eases the burden of cost while still logging the hours you need. 


Supervision will be provided at the frequency agreed upon with the individual or agency. 



For Counselors Becoming LPC's in the State of TN

Up to Two Supervisees Per Session, Cost May Be Split

Online and In Person Options Available

Flexible Hours and Online Booking

55 Minute Session

55  Min Session


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